
Abundance and the Lion’s Gate Portal
Green Witchery Meditation Spirituality

Abundance and the Lion’s Gate Portal

When I first heard of the Lion's Gate Portal I thought "ooooh" that sounds cool. During the Lion’s Gate Portal, the Earth, Sirius, the constellation Orion, and our Sun (in the sign of Leo, the lion), all come into alignment. In new thought spiritual communities, this cosmic event is said...
Little stick friend
Druidry Green Witchery Spirituality

Little stick friend

It was around a year ago that I started my journey in the Bardic Grade of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids.  At that time a thought came to me to carry a stick along with me through my journey and to allow my creativity to evolve it into...
Ogham Grove in Second Life
Druidry Health & Wellbeing

Ogham Grove in Second Life

Once again I've been very busy and so I need to catch up on some posts from the last couple of months.  One of the reasons for the gap is Fantasy Faire! I work in a virtual world and every year we hold our annual Fantasy Faire to fund raise...
Hawthorn – tree of the fae folk
Druidry Garden Green Witchery

Hawthorn – tree of the fae folk

(Photo: Vivien Wilson/WTML) We are currently into the days of Hawthorn in the Ogham tree wheel (according to Yuri Leitch's wheel, which I follow).  I've always have a soft spot for Hawthorn and it's another of the trees that I feel particularly close to.  It is rumoured to be the...
Days of Ash
Eco Garden Green Witchery Health & Wellbeing

Days of Ash

As I came to write about Ash it occurred me to how I have a much closer relationship with some trees over others.  For me Elder, Alder, Willow, Hawthorn are my heart trees.  Birch has to be there too especially as Birch is my birth tree.  Ash....seemed more distant to...
Green Witchery Health & Wellbeing


It's one of the first and most colourful bursts of colour in Spring and I couldn't help but go digging around to see if it has medicinal or culinary uses.  And YES!  She most certainly does! Long been used in traditional Chinese medicine but also used in modern medicine, Forsythia...
Meditation – Activity / Task Focus
Health & Wellbeing Meditation

Meditation – Activity / Task Focus

For a while I've been recording my own meditations for my Druidry studies and playing them back to myself when doing the meditation - I just find it a lot easier than trying to visualise a story in the moment without getting distracted. I've been meaning to start recording some...
Druidry Garden Green Witchery


Ah willow - To me she has always been a special tree.  As a kid I read often of the weeping willow in fairy stories and I remember falling in love with the fluffy rabbit slippers on the pussy willow.  A wonderful song by Jethro Tull named Pussy Willow (although...
The Days of Alder
Druidry Garden Green Witchery Health & Wellbeing Spirituality

The Days of Alder

Picture by Yuri Leitch Depending on which calendar you follow the days of Alder can be between 5th Feb - 22nd Feb (or later in March).  I often watch and follow Yuri Leitch from the The Ogham Grove and so I am going by the year cycle that he uses...
The Meadow – a work in progress
Eco Garden General

The Meadow – a work in progress

When we moved to our new place in France there was an area of ground beyond the river that was very overgrown.  As far as we know it hasn't been cleared or worked for at least 20 years - the length of time the previous owners were here - and...
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