Ogham Grove in Second Life

Once again I’ve been very busy and so I need to catch up on some posts from the last couple of months.  One of the reasons for the gap is Fantasy Faire!
I work in a virtual world and every year we hold our annual Fantasy Faire to fund raise for Cancer research and support. I am incredibly honoured to be a “world builder” for the faire and I get to create something special for people to enjoy as part of the faire in the form of a region – one of 20 regions that make up the faire.  This year I decided to build “Ogham Grove”, a fantasy forest with magical elements and including an educational aspect by teaching the Ogham and its trees.
In the form of a quest, people could learn the Ogham by visiting the 20 Ogham stones around the region – when they touched each stone it told them the modern letter equivalent, the corresponding tree for that character and a little bit of information about the tree and its lore. They then could translate a sentence given in Ogham that read “For the love of Awen and for the hope of all”.  They won a “Druid’s Wand” if they translated the sentence and finished the quest.
Fantasy Faire ran from 18th April – 8th May this year and during that time we raised over 120,000 US$ for Relay for Life.  An amazing event which so many amazing people and an amazing achievement by all who took part.  It’s also a time of reflection – a time to remember those we have lost and an opportunity to look forward and be grateful for what and who we have around us.
Here is a video I took of Ogham Grove and the stones depicting the Ogham letters surrounded by their respective trees.

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