Merry Imbolc

Imbolc symbolizes the halfway point between the winter solstice (Yule) and the spring equinox (Ostara).  Taking place on 1st Feb (from the evening of Feb 1st to the evening of Feb 2nd), it is also named as the day of the Goddess Brigid.  It’s a fire festival in the deepest midst of Winter.  Colours are reds and oranges, like the fire red hair of Brigid.

At this moment I am not sure how this fits into my beliefs and my journey but in this voyage of discovery I go with what feels right and today this is what felt right.  I made a Brigid’s Cross from reed grass I discovered growing just outside my back gate.  I had wanted to make one but new to the area I wasn’t going to be brave enough to wander into anyone’s land to find some reed grass (despite there being plenty aorund with the rivers here).  But as I walked out with the dogs a few days ago I noticed the 2 tufts of reed grass growing outside our back gate and was delighted that I could easily take some and make the cross.  So that is what I did, and added it to the altar I had made for Imbolc and to bless this new home.  I also took the opportunity to write my own new home blessing spell and spoke it over the lit candles on the altar.


Imbolc is also the day the Cailleach gathers her firewood for ther rest of the winter.  Legend has it that if she intends to make winter last a good while longer, she will make sure the weather on Imbolc is bright and sunny, so she can gather plenty of firewood to keep herslef warm in the coming months,  As a result, people are generally relieved if it a day of foul weather, as it means the Caileach is asleep, she will soon run out of firewood, and therefore winter is almost over.

As I look out of the window at 3pm, the sun has just come out!

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