Little stick friend

It was around a year ago that I started my journey in the Bardic Grade of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids.  At that time a thought came to me to carry a stick along with me through my journey and to allow my creativity to evolve it into whatever it decided it wanted to be.  I chose a piece of Elder that came from the elder that fell last year.  She felt to be a powerful Elder and I believe has protected me previously.

I took her to the circle in the grove with me and meditated.  I invited her to accompany me.

The I started to work with her.  Her shape at one end told me that there would be a deer foot and so there was.  I didn’t really give much future planning to it and just let each part decide what it wanted to be when I got to it.

And as I head toward the end of the bardic course, I find she too is coming to a completion.

The deer seems to be significant to me but I don’t yet fully understand why.  Perhaps that part represents Nwyvre, spirit.

The lattice represents multiple layers – the superficial to the deep – and how those layers weave in and out of each other.  Also the different strands of my learning during this period.

The carved leaves are Alder, Elder and Willow – as water trees they represent the element Water.  They have also been very prominent in my time here so far – they’ve become my favourite and most relevant trees of this period.

I used fire to darken areas and so this represents Fire.

The bird foot at the top represent Air and also has relevance to the huge amount of birds we have here that have become part of our lives.

The Elder wood herself and the quartz crystal at the top represent Earth.

The disc bears the Awen symbol.

Currently she resides upon my altar.  Perhaps I will carry her with me when I meditate, take part in rituals, and when I travel.

When people ask “What is it” I simply answer “It’s a stick” but…..actually….she is so much more…..



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